God of War III Remastered review for PS4
In this five year old HD remastered release, watching Kratos dismember gods and slice open trolls never looked so good.
PlayStation 4 Reviews
In this five year old HD remastered release, watching Kratos dismember gods and slice open trolls never looked so good.
EA Sports’ latest PGA Tour release plays a competent enough game of golf, but it’s lacking a bit in the content department.
The more things change, the more they stay …the same… amazing.
LEGO Jurassic World is a lot of fun, provided you’re not feeling a bit burned out by the Traveller’s Tales LEGO formula.
Tetris arrives on the Vita, exactly — thankfully — as you remember it.
Second… Third verse, same as the first.
The third episode of Telltale’s Tales from the Borderlands series delivers up a lot of action, new characters, and some returning favorites.
Rocksteady delivers the best Batman experience yet. Now with 100% more Batmobile!
Devil May Cry 4 looks and plays better than ever, with a host of new features and characters to help make this the definitive version of the 2008 original.
When “Game of the Year” isn’t just a description, but a statement of intent.
Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf, and Chains get a current gen console port with a fresh coat of HD paint, including all previously released DLC… along with a couple of unaddressed issues and bugs.
Rally behind House Forrester in the newest episode of Telltale’s Game of Thrones series.
I’m convinced that adding Portal to anything can make it 100% better!
Nostalgia is a powerful thing…or, at least, that’s what Ultratron’s makers are banking on.
B.J. Blazkowicz is back in this action packed, retrospective prequel that kicks ass like its predecessor.