AT least one huge release for this week, though plenty of other goodies maybe worth checking out.
During this morning's Nintendo Direct event, Nintendo announced a number of new fitness-based activities and initiatives for Wii U owners.
If you enjoy video games, past or present, and would like to continue to see experiences that remind you of…
It's a pretty safe bet that The Wonderful 101 is the Wii U eShop download that most gamers will be…
Classic style beat-em-ups, RPGs and side-scrollers, a retro Virtual Console shmup and a digital Sonic game for this week.
A new Pok?mon Wii U game appears! Grab the original Legend of Zelda and get ready for Rayman Legends too.
Nintendo announces the 2DS, coming October 12th for $129.99, along with a price drop for the Wii U Deluxe model…
Not a bad little Nintendo eShop update today, if you're looking for a little classic Ninja Gaiden II action, the…
Attending PAX Prime this year? Then you might want to check out this Wonderful 101 panel helmed by none other…
Even though it wont be available before next week, Splinter Cell: Blacklist is probably the biggest Wii U eShop release…
The Year of Luigi invades the Chicago "L" train, as Luigi makes a special appearance to promote his releases this…
Nintendo today released a new set of screens and a trailer showing off the Mega Evolved new Pok?mon that were…
Nintendo has a nice little Nintendo Download Update for fans set up for this week, with a few goodies for…
Mario Kart 8, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, The Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD, Sonic Lost World,…
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