Citing their proximity to the affected area, the developer of such titles as Butcher and Mousecraft has pledged all profits from sales of their titles to the Ukrainian Red Cross in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. This will be in effect for 7 days much like 11 bit Studio?s pledge. The Crunching Koalas? full statement can be seen below.
I also applaud Crunching Koala as they made the effort to consolidate links to their products making it infinitely easier for anyone who is looking to help to do so. Crunching Koala?s Linktree
Finally Jack Black in controller form…what, no? It’s not him? Oh man…
A fight stick without a stick…what a wild time we live in.
A quarter of a century after the original game's launch, Atari is re-releasing one of…
To celebrate the 3rd game's 5th anniversary and the original's 25th (!), YSNET has transferred…
One of 2022's best games is slinking onto the Switch in this week's update.
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