With the exceptional Gravity Rush 2 now available for the PS4, along with several JRPGs, indie titles and PS4 demos,…
Hack into Ubisoft's legitimately fun technology-themed open world title for free for a few hours.
In an announcement that surely got missed due to the Nintendo Switch event, Sega announced that Puyo Puyo Tetris will…
Finally, some new media and details for Warner Bros. IE's superhero-infused fighter sequel.
After all this time, the once Wii U exclusive open-world LEGO title is finally headed to other platforms.
We have no clue what new features that Sony may be planning on adding to the next major PS4 System…
To kick off the hype train that should lead up to the game's February release, Sony and GG dropped off…
One of the last "remasters" of 2016.
Players can help beta test Ubisoft's brutal battlefield brawler later this month.
Square Enix's latest numbered Final Fantasy release has reached another milestone.
Final Fantasy XV might not be the best in the series, but it's still a Final Fantasy worth playing.
Adding to the already impressive worldwide tally, Sony revealed that the PlayStation 4 has pulled off another noteworthy feat.
GungHo and Grasshopper Manufacture's free-to-play "hack-and-slash survival action" title for the PS4 is apparently a pretty big hit.
Final Fantasy XIV has quite a lot of life left in it if the massive new Stormblood expansion is anything…
Tequila Works' gorgeous action-adventure game was originally presented as a PS4 and PC exclusive title some time ago, but apparently…
To celebrate the franchise's big 30th anniversary, Arc System Works has announced that Double Dragon IV in development for the…
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