
Super Mario Odyssey is the “fastest-selling Super Mario game ever in the U.S.”

Pretend to be surprised... Super Mario Odyssey for the Nintendo Switch has sold in excess of 1.1 million units in…

7 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – Sonic Forces, Perception, Morphite, Super Beat Sports

There's quite a few new Nintendo Switch games hitting the eShop over the next week, with Sonic Forces (we guess)…

7 years ago

Link green Nintendo 2DS bundle, Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Explorer’s Edition revealed

Just in time for Black Friday comes a new 2DS bundle, a special Breath of the Wild edition for the…

7 years ago

Super Mario Odyssey review for Nintendo Switch

We tip our hats to Nintendo once again.

7 years ago

GA stops by the Super Mario Odyssey NYC launch party

Our intrepid NYC events reporter had a few moments to swing by the Super Mario Odyssey launch party and hang…

7 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update -Super Mario Odyssey, Splasher, Creeping Terror

It's a pretty huge (and hugely important) eShop Update this week because... duh.. Super Mario Odyssey.

7 years ago

Nintendo Switch system update 4.0 now available

Get ready Nintendo Switch players, there's a handful of nice new features headed to your console.

7 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – Fire Emblem Warriors, Just Dance 2018, Spelunker Party!, JYDGE

Another week, another solid Nintendo eShop update for Switch and 3DS owners.

7 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – Wulverblade, Neon Chrome, Etrian Odyssey V

There's a pretty fun selection of new digital titles for the Switch on the Nintendo eShop this week.

7 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – Stardew Valley, M&L: Superstar Saga, Axiom Verge

Heads up Nintendo gamers, there's a pretty hearty eShop update this week.

7 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – FIFA 18, Golf Story, YO-KAI WATCH 2, Deemo

There's just way too many Nintendo Switch digital releases this week... just in time for the launch of the SNES…

7 years ago

Nintendo shares more Nintendo World Championships 2017 details

The Nintendo World Championships begin on October 7th, and Nintendo has a number of special guests lined up for the big…

7 years ago

Go Mantine surfing in the latest Pok?mon Ultra Sun/Moon trailer

Finally, new info and media for this fall's big Nintendo 3DS Pok?mon release.

7 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – Pokk?n Tournament DX, SteamWorld Dig 2, Sine Mora EX

A Pok?mon game is finally available for the Nintendo Switch! Well, kinda.

7 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – Metroid: Samus Returns, Minecraft 3DS Edition, NBA 2K18

A surprise 3DS release, a new and improved portable Metroid, and quite a few new Switch games are available to…

7 years ago

Nintendo shows off an impressive upcoming lineup of Switch and 3DS software

There's a healthy selection of new software headed to both Nintendo platforms over the next few months, including Project Octopath…

7 years ago

SNES Classic Edition inventory to increase, NES Classic Edition to return in 2018

Nintendo shared a bit of good news regarding their popular retro mini consoles this morning.

7 years ago

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