Praise the Sun! The original Dark Souls, in remastered form of course, is finally available on the Nintendo Switch. Read…
A solid but super short retro-style puzzle platformer worth jumping into.
Prepare yourself for a special Diablo III Switch bundle which includes a themed carrying case, dock and more.
With or without the toys-to-life concept, Starlink: Battle For Atlas will provide one of the best console space shooter experiences…
Turns out the distance from Tetris to puzzle-platformer isn?t as far as you?d think.
Check out all those big releases this week, not just for the Switch, as there's a classic Wii title returning…
Subscribers can grab free copies of NES Open Tournament Golf, Solomon's Key and Super Dodge Ball and special Zelda save data beginning today.
Nintendo shows off a music rhythm fitness boxing title set to release super early next year.
Melding music, art, writing, and design into one beautiful package--Wandersong is one of the most appealing games on the Nintendo…
Lost Phone Stories tries something new. Does it succeed? Well...
What a surprise! There's a whole lot of new digital content to choose from on the Nintendo eShop this week…
FIFA continues to be the gold standard when it comes to sports games.
Eleven must be the Blue Bomber's lucky number.
Hold onto your butts Fortnite fans, Epic Games has officially released the feature-packed Fortnite v6.00.
Nintendo has come through with another jam packed new Nintendo eShop update with tons of new Nintendo Switch content to…
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