
Claire: Extended Cut review for PS Vita, PS4

A horror game that falls just a little short of its goals.

8 years ago

Lego Dimensions – Year 2 unboxing and impressions (part 1)

Paul spends some time playing wit... err... unboxing a handful of the new Lego Dimensions - Year 2 expansion sets.

8 years ago

Exile’s End review for PS Vita, PS4

Exile's End may not do any one thing horrifically badly, but it's still undeniably a bad game.

8 years ago

Event [0] review for PC

As a console gamer, Event [0] made the mouse & keyboard transition smooth.

8 years ago

Jazzpunk: Director’s Cut review for PS4

Jazzpunk is what would happen if first-person shooters, adventure games, and spy movies got together and had a baby. A…

8 years ago

Titanfall 2 review for PS4, Xbox One, PC

Titanfall 2 features an excellent campaign melded with the multiplayer groundwork from the first entry in the series.

8 years ago

Paper Mario: Color Splash review for Wii U

Color us impressed with Paper Mario's latest outing.

8 years ago

Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel review for Xbox One, PS4

Come, Ashen Ones, step into the painted world of Ariandel.

8 years ago

Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors review for PS Vita

Playing this game may just have you follow Criminal Girls' main characters to Hell.

8 years ago

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