Xbox Games Store Update – Quantum Break, Dirt Rally, Steredenn

9 years ago

There's already a solid selection of Xbox One games available this week, including, of course, Quantum Break.

Kannon Headphones Kickstarter plans to use haptics for deep bass

9 years ago

Heard it all before? According to headphone company Tactition, maybe not.

PlayStation Store Update – Dead Star, Battleborn beta, Stikbold!

9 years ago

Several new games, a half dozen free PS Plus releases and the Battleborn open beta... not a bad week.

Murasaki Mist: Akara’s Journey review for PS Vita

9 years ago

Think of Murasaki Mist as the hack & slash dungeon crawler equivalent of Murphy's Law.

PS4 System Software 3.50 rolls out tomorrow

9 years ago

New social features, friends functionality, PC/Mac remote play and more will hit the PS4 soon.

HTC Vive Consumer Edition now shipping; SteamVR store goes live

9 years ago

See what's in store for Vive owners on Valve's VR shop.

Hands-on: Valve’s The Lab on Vive is VR’s Wii Sports

9 years ago

Valve opens a faucet of ideas in VR, but how well do they hold water?

MLB The Show 16 review for PS4

9 years ago

One little change makes The Show great again.

Attractio review for PS4

9 years ago

What happens when you take everything that made Portal 2 great? Attractio, apparently.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End footage takes us to the muddy plains of Madagascar

9 years ago

Naughty Dog and Sony this morning dropped off some fresh Uncharted 4: A Thief's End gameplay footage and it's really…

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