The turtles are estranged, but the Foot rises again. So these brothers will have to get over the death of their master and protect the city once more. The demo featured several missions with each turtle, each of them had unique moves and skills. Players who plan well can wipe out swarths of enemies in a single turn, those who charge in mindlessly might be sent careening off the play stage. The new trailer which the developer shared obviously showcased the former and man does it look radical!
While there were plenty of tools at your disposal in the demo, the full version will feature customizable build outs for you to craft ideal ninja turtle. If you’re jonesing for some tactical action and you happen to be in San Francisco on March 16th, you can check out the demo of the game at the Day of the Devs: San Francisco Edition event. Tickets are free and you can register via this link here.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tactical Takedown will be out on May 22nd exclusively on PC.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tactical Takedown – RELEASE DATE TRAILER
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