The organization which was founded to provide aid to humanitarian organizations doing what they do best, playing games and playing games well have rallied quickly to plan their next fundraiser event. Disaster Relief Done Quick will be a 2ish day (54 hours is 2.25 days…) event where the group will be hosting speedrunners to make runs as they urge audiences to raise funds for Direct Relief, an NGO that provides assistance to aid workers in disaster zones. Given the quick turnaround time to organize this, I doubt this will have the auction component that the week long GDQ events, but nonetheless if you have the time and funds to do so this is a worthy cause to contribute to. For those who want to actually participate in the charity livestream, the organization is taking applications for speedrunners at their submission page, but given the event will begin on the 11th, those who are interested should get their application in before October 6th, 2024 at 11:59pm.
Disaster Relief Done Quickly will raise funds on the GDQ Twitch channel from October 11th 6pm EST til October 13th 11:59pm EST. The organization has raised over 51.8 Million dollars for charity to date and let’s hope Disaster Relief Done Quickly will add a healthy amount to that total! Your fellow Americans need you!
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