The live action trailer filmed with the aid of papercraft and pop up books, we get quick glimpses of locations such as Inkwood, Tome Tower, Sonnet Swamp and the town of Artia, home of artists as well as her majesty, Queen Chroma. Those who have been following the game’s progress have seen the extended gameplay footage which featured Sonnet Swamp and ridding the snail domicile of pests, this trailer continues to show the game’s genre crossing gameplay that includes a little bit of Punch Out action, where honey goes to the winner. Will you take up the quest to hinder the evil wizard Humgrump’s machinations?
The Plucky Squire will set off for adventure tomorrow September 17th on PC, Switch Xbox Series X|S, and the PlayStation 5. The game will also be available for members of Sony’s PlayStation Plus at the Extra and Premium tier.
The Plucky Squire | Launch Trailer | Out Tomorrow!
The Plucky Squire [Devolver Deluxe] - PlayStation 5
Price: $54.99
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