That’s right, the company is taking pre-orders on not one, but two plushies based on Razputin “Raz” Aquato and Lili Zanotto! Each plush stands at 18” tall, features bendable appendages and when you press their belly (Please don’t do that to people in real life…the phrase you might hear might be “someone call the cops!”) you can hear one of ten phrases. Each one will cost $39.99 and they will start shipping in Q3 2024.
So if you truly consider yourself a fan of Psychonauts you better head over to and get those pre-orders in because pre-orders will close on April 2nd 11:59pm PST/April 3rd 2:59am EST.
Let’s hope these sell well cause I’m gonna need some of the more obscure characters from the game in plush form!
Psychonauts Plushies:
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We bet the program will have a really creative name.
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So…there’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell this game will be released in China especially…
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