The studio is looking to give 4 cosplayers who catch their eye, a treat this holiday via the Shadows of the Damned Halloween Cosplay Contest. Regardless if you’re a cosplay artisan or someone who writes Garcia Hotspur on a white t-shirt and calls it the day (please do not steal my entry…please!), it’s all fair game as long as it’s not something that will get you banned on X (formerly Twitter). So start working on those costumes and post a pic on X with the hashtag #SotDCostume to win prizes like a limited edition signed t-shirts, concept art print and even something from Suda51’s personal collection. Suda along with SotD concept artist Tadayuki Nomaru, community managers James and Maddie will be your judges, so dress to impress and get those entries before November 7th.
Speaking of James, he and some of the team took some time to visit Seattle for PAX West, where they met with fans, played some games, dined at some of Seattle’s finest establishments and documented it for your enjoyment. The video recap of the visit has been posted on the Grasshopper Archives Youtube channel and if you pay careful attention, you might want to secure tickets for next year’s PAX West if you’re a big Grasshopper Fanboy (or girl)!
Shadows of the Damned Remaster looks to put the title that was released in 2011 in front of a new generation of gamers. It’s about the story of Garcia Hotspur, a demon hunter who is on a quest to rescue his beloved Paula from the depths of Hell. Hopefully the second go around will correct some of the issues I had with the original (such as difficulty trophies requiring individual playthroughs rather than stacking…). Regardless it will be good to see Garcia once again…cause I thought he’d be locked in EA’s vaults until the end of time. The title was announced in June of this year, but we have not been given a release window yet.
PAX West 2023 Report: feat. Grasshopper James & GhM Staff / PAX West 2023現地レポート
Grasshopper James and four members of the GhM staff visited PAX West 2023. Here’s their super high-effort report!
To wrap up 10 years of Goat Sim things, Coffee Stain North has planned a…
Here I am still waiting for the shoe to drop on the Christiano Ronaldo collaboration.
The Reigning, Defending and Undisputed Championship Wrestling Game Franchise is Back.
We bet the program will have a really creative name.
I learned today that TeeTurtle was more than t-shirts.
So…there’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell this game will be released in China especially…
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