Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is the recently released end-game expansion for Monster Hunter World, bringing with it a number of new monsters to hunt, variants on the existing monsters, new weapons, armor, items and more. It?s a significant expansion overall, taking an already lengthy experience and building upon it even more. It?s also easily some of the most fun I?ve had this year and something that I?ll continue to play as we head into the Fall and Winter season.
For Monster Hunter fans, the Iceborne expansion is similar to the ?G-Rank? level that previous Monster Hunter games have had, essentially higher difficulty hunts with better rewards, including armor and weapon upgrades. But along with a higher difficulty, you also get a brand new area with Hoarfrost Reach, a new hub location called Seliana, an improved Gathering Hall, and a host of new story and optional missions to tackle. In particular, the new Gathering Hall and hub location are marked improvements over the previous areas, giving players the ability to access the armory, resource center, your house palico, the melder and more within a short distance, eliminating the need to move between different hubs or across different levels within the same hub. It streamlines the process between hunts, which is certainly appreciated.
Hoarfrost Reach is also home to new monsters for Monster Hunter World, such as Barioth, the mammoth-like Banbaro, and the snow swimming Beotodus. Of course, there are other new monsters that will show up throughout the game in all five areas, including variants on existing monsters like Viper Tobi-Kadachi, Nightshade Paolumu, Fulgur Anjanath and many more. Most of the variants give new monsters elemental or status effect attacks they didn?t previously have, and change up their design and behavior somewhat. They are certainly all tougher, featuring more health, stronger attacks, and overall feel quicker than before. Difficulty starting out in Iceborne feels mostly like the Tempered Monster fights you?d take on in the post-game content of Monster Hunter World, but thankfully you?ll be able to quickly upgrade armor and weapons to give you some advantage. As you progress through Master Rank, the difficulty level raises, ideally as your overall skill improves.
I absolutely love this expansion and considering that Monster Hunter World is one of my favorite games of this generation, it?s been great to have this excuse to revisit it. I look forward to playing more and more, and I?m excited to see what type of content updates Capcom rolls out in the future.
Note: Capcom provided us with a Monster Hunter World: Iceborne PS4 code for review purposes.
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