
New Xbox One Update… is online

Another worthwhile Xbox One system software update has started rolling out with the much-requested Friends notifications included.

11 years ago

Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved – new tracks unveiled at PAX

Peter Gabriel, Cee Lo, Gorillaz, Elton John and Mozart will be lending their talents to the motion-controlled Xbox One and…

11 years ago

Project Totem headed to Xbox One, Xbox 360

The fine folks responsible for Max: The Curse of Brotherhood for the Xbox One and Xbox 360, have unveiled their…

11 years ago

YouTube video uploading coming to Xbox One tomorrow

The Xbox One YouTube app gets new features beginning tomorrow, including YouTube video uploads and sharing.

11 years ago

Minecraft for Xbox 360 surpasses 12 million sold

The Minecraft train keeps on chugging along, and today Mojang and Microsoft have announced that the Xbox 360 version has…

11 years ago

Xbox Live Arcade Update – Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate – Deluxe Edition

Believe it or not, there's a new Xbox Live Arcade game for the Xbox 360 today.

11 years ago

Activision unleashes Call of Duty: Ghosts Devastation gameplay trailer

Get a good look at the next monster-sized batch of Call of Duty: Ghosts expansion in action.

11 years ago

Xbox Live Gold members get Hitman: Absolution, Deadlight free in April

Xbox 360 owners/Xbox Live Gold subscribers, clear off some more HDD space because the next pair of free Xbox Live…

11 years ago

Phil Spencer becomes Head of Xbox

Microsoft this morning confirmed that Phil Spencer is officially taking over the Xbox reigns.

11 years ago

Xbox One Reputation system will notify, penalize troublemakers soon

If you're a jerk, you may lose matchmaking and Twitch streaming abilities on your console.

11 years ago

MLG,, Encore Play, Movieplex Play apps now on Xbox Live

The Xbox 360 and Xbox One have a few more entertainment options beginning today with the launch of a few…

11 years ago

Xbox One Titanfall Bundle is now $449 at Amazon

You want a cheaper Xbox One? You have one... for a limited time at least.

11 years ago

Over 25 indie games headed to Xbox One thanks to ID@Xbox

Microsoft promised self-published indie games for the Xbox One, and dammit, you'll be getting self-published indie games for the Xbox…

11 years ago

Titanfall review for Xbox One, PC

Rock'em Sock'em Robots, and the pilots who love them.

11 years ago

Xbox One launching in Japan, 25 other markets in September

Tier 3 Xbox One customers (including Japan) -- your Xbox One launch date has finally been announced.

11 years ago

Free Your Inner Competitor in latest Kinect Sports Rivals media, details

If you're looking to get involved in some motion controlled, next generation Xbox One Kinect action, you'll get your chance…

11 years ago

Xbox 360 Spring Value Bundle includes Forza Horizon, Borderlands 2, $50 discount

In case you're still in the market for an attractive Xbox 360 bundle...

11 years ago

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