Don?t be fooled by the cuteness: this game is trying to kill you.
Mediocre writing, mediocre visuals, mediocre game.
Just your typical love story about a confectioner befriending a candy golem.
Giraffe and Annika may take awhile to win you over, but in the end it?s well worth it.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a decent enough open-world RPG, provided you're playing on a platform that can run it.
Xbox Live Gold subscribers and Xbox 360, Xbox One and/or Xbox Series X|S players, there's a handful of freebies coming…
The least demanding, least interesting Platinum you could possibly imagine.
The answer is ?no", to both the question and this game.
Sword vs gun vs terrible technical performance.
A unique setting for open-world RPG's with some fairly mundane mechanics, and bugs, mixed in.
The superior Switch version of Dragon Quest XI lands on Xbox One and PS4.
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