xbox one

Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 slices onto Xbox One on March 18th

The Xbox One finally gets in on the wacky slice-n-dice Fruit Ninja hijinks.

10 years ago

Dragon Ball XenoVerse review for PS4, Xbox One, PC

Someone must have invoked the power of Shenron, because we've got a pretty great Dragon Ball Z game here.

10 years ago

Xbox Live Gold members get Rayman Legends, Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite free in March

Next month's selection of Xbox One/Xbox 360 Games with Gold freebies for XBL Gold subscribers have been revealed.

10 years ago

Forza Horizon 2 getting free Fast & Furious standalone expansion on March 27th

For a limited time, get a standalone Fast & Furious expansion for Xbox One or Xbox 360 (no original game…

10 years ago

Batman: Arkham Knight “Gotham is Mine” trailer reunites the Rogues Gallery

Batman has been keeping somewhat of a low profile in 2015 so far, but today, we get a new look…

10 years ago

VooFoo Studios goes all-in with Pure Hold’em for PS4, Xbox One, PC

VooFoo Studios, best known for their Pure Pool and Pure Chess releases, is upping the ante with a new Texas…

10 years ago

GTAV Online Heists confirmed for March 10th, PC release set for April 14th

Finally, the long awaited PC version of Grand Theft Auto V and the GTA Online - Online Heists feature are…

10 years ago

Explore these new Final Fantasy XV -Episode Duscae- screens

We're assuming that many fellow Final Fantasy fans are pretty damn excited for the playable FF XV teaser, so here…

10 years ago

Dead Or Alive 5: Last Round review for Xbox One, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360

Dead Or Alive 5 makes the jump to next gen platform and brings the same core gameplay with very minor…

10 years ago

Evolve review for Xbox One, PS4, PC

A unique multiplayer game that focuses on both team-based action and one versus all styles of play, Evolve is unlike…

10 years ago

CastleStorm, Wild West Rampage tables coming to Zen Pinball, Pinball FX2

After announcing and releasing a steady stream of licensed tables for their Zen Pinball platforms, Zen Studios has a couple…

10 years ago

R.B.I. Baseball 15 returns to the field this spring

For better or for worse, the resurrected R.B.I. Baseball series is officially returning for another season.

10 years ago

Resident Evil is Capcom’s fastest selling digital title yet

Rejoice Resident Evil fans, the remaster of the original Resident Evil is flying off the digital shelves.

10 years ago

Saints Row IV: Re-Elected review for PS4, Xbox One

Volition & Deep Silver bring Kinzie, Shaundi and co.'s last-gen adventure to next-gen systems. Is it worth double-dipping? Read on…

10 years ago

Get a Xbox One with Kinect for $449 for a limited time

Microsoft has apparently remembered that they have an Xbox One SKU that comes bundled with a Kinect sensor and they…

10 years ago

Dying Light review for PS4, Xbox One, PC

Where's Daryl Dixon when you need him? Run, jump, and climb your way to safety in this zombie action title…

10 years ago

Xbox One February system update is live

New Xbox One features and fixes including game hubs, controller updates, party chat, backgrounds, TV and more.

10 years ago

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