xbox one

Destiny 2.0 update includes PvP preview for all

With Destiny: The Taken King, Bungie is taking a slightly different preview path than they did with the previous Destiny…

10 years ago

Xbox Games Store Update – Super Toy Cars, Quest Of Dungeons, Broken Sword 5

From 16-bit style roguelike dungeon crawlers and Rugby sims, to graphic adventures and toy car racers, there's a nice quantity…

10 years ago

Welcome to London, 1868 in this new Assassin’s Creed Syndicate trailer

The latest footage gives us a glimpse of the "modern", industrialized 1860s version of London in Assassin's Creed Syndicate,

10 years ago

Destiny: The Taken King’s “King’s Fall” raid goes live September 18th

Finally an official answer to "When the hell do we get the new raid?".

10 years ago

Destiny: The Taken King – Court of Oryx event livestream kicks off soon

A deep dive into the challenging Court of Oryx public event activities on the Dreadnaught.

10 years ago

Disney Infinity 3.0 review for PS4, Xbox One, Wii U

3.0 takes Star Wars to a whole new level, making this entry the most, adventurous, polished and innovative in the…

10 years ago

Star Wars: Battlefront beta coming this October

The beta will land in October on Xbox One, PS4, and PC via Origin.

10 years ago

Nuk3town map pre-order incentive for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

The popular Black Ops multiplayer map returns as a pre-order / Day One bonus.

10 years ago

Dishonored Definitive Edition review for PS4, Xbox One

This port of Arkane Studios excellent 2012 stealth-focused action game might not be fancy enough for the word "Definitive", but…

10 years ago

A look at LEGO Dimensions’ The Simpsons, Midway Arcade levels

More details and a ton of gameplay screens for a pair of new levels included in LEGO Dimensions.

10 years ago

The Bridge review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U

Ever wonder what it would be like of M.C. Escher had designed video games? Wonder no more.

10 years ago

Square Enix shares a destructive new Just Cause 3 dev diary

Prior to their planned Just Cause 3 PAX Prime panel, Square Enix and Avalanche Studios have a creatively destructive new…

10 years ago

Mega Man Legacy Collection review for PS4, Xbox One

MMLC is a nice collection of Mega Man titles, but it still feels like it's missing some things.

10 years ago

Hands on with Dark Souls III

Benny had the chance to play Dark Souls III at a recent Bandai Namco NYC press event. See what he…

10 years ago

Square Enix uncovers Rise of the Tomb Raider Collector’s Edition

Tomb Raider and/or Lara Croft fans excited to get their hands on the Xbox One release of Rise of the…

10 years ago

Xbox Games Store Update – Goat Sim: Mmore Goatz Edition, Yasai Ninja

Yup, there's even Mmore new Xbox One digital releases this week. [Update: Magnetic: Cage Closed and Nova-111 too.]

10 years ago

Survive the first 15 minutes of Dying Light: The Following footage

Techland's story-based Dying Light expansion, The Following, is looking pretty damn good so far. Check out the first 15 minutes…

10 years ago

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