xbox one

Destiny: Rise of Iron (final) review for PS4, Xbox One

A solid new expansion for Destiny that should keep dedicated players busy for quite some time. [No longer a work…

8 years ago

WWE 2K17 hands on preview

Tyler drops by Dogpatch Studios to check out 2K's latest and greatest WWE 2K title. Impressions within!

8 years ago

EA releases an explosive new Battlefield 1 single player trailer

Buckle up Battlefield fans, EA and DICE have dropped off a dramatic new Battlefield 1 official single player trailer.

8 years ago

Neon Chrome review for PS4, Xbox One

Twin-stick boredom.

8 years ago

Super Dungeon Bros is set to rock ‘n’ loot on consoles and PC this November

Are you ready to loot?! Wired Productions announced a release date, pricing and new media for their upcoming heavy metal-themed…

8 years ago

Dead Rising Triple Pack review for Xbox One, PS4, PC

'Member Willamette and Fortune City?

8 years ago

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare multiplayer beta kicks off on October 14th

Attention Call of Duty fans... Activision today revealed the multiplayer beta schedule for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

8 years ago

Watch the Dedsec crew hack things in the new Watch Dogs 2 story trailer

Watch Dogs 2 is less than 2 months away, so Ubisoft has finally graced us with a brand new video…

8 years ago

NBA 2K17 review for Xbox One, PS4

The gold standard for sports games is back. Does it retain its title, or does it rest on its laurels?

8 years ago

Xbox Games Store Update – Firewatch, Lastfight, The Bunker, Virginia

Xbox One owners have a ton of quality digital releases to choose from this week including the award-winning first person…

8 years ago

Prepare for this Titanfall 2 Pilots gameplay trailer

Even though the Titanfall series is supposed to be about big, heavily armed battle-mechs, the nimble and more intelligent pilots…

8 years ago

Destiny: Rise of Iron – Wrath of the Machine raid launches tomorrow, here’s the trailer

You want a new Destiny raid, you're getting a new raid. Here's a sneak peek at what to expect from…

8 years ago

Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas review for Xbox One, PS4

A well-made puzzle adventure that is more than just a re-skin of a classic.

8 years ago

Bioshock: The Collection review for PS4, Xbox One

Would you kindly pick up this collection?

8 years ago

Sniper Elite 4 gameplay trailer targets the F?hrer

Take headshots at Hitler in the free pre-order DLC for the upcoming latest and greatest Sniper Elite release.

8 years ago

Dungeon Punks review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One

Aggressive mediocrity, thy name is Dungeon Punks.

8 years ago

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