Titanfall 2 features an excellent campaign melded with the multiplayer groundwork from the first entry in the series.
The twists just get better and better.
Finally an SSD drive built for the Xbox One.
Come, Ashen Ones, step into the painted world of Ariandel.
To celebrate the gone gold status of Final Fantasy XV, Square Enix has released a dramatic and brand new CG…
Hail to the King All over again... Out with the old, in with the slightly better old!
A new Batman adventure, a dance game, an RPG, a puzzle-platformer, yet another hunting game and more!
Time to head back to Arkham and collect those riddles you ignored years ago.
After the crazy events of 2016, Earth's citizens are like "Screw It, Let's Go To Space".
The next batch of Games with Gold titles for Xbox One and Xbox 360 gamers have been revealed.
A stellar sequel to its 2015 predecessor, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 improves on every aspect of the already great original.
Horses, tanks, planes, explosions, explosions, explosions. Battlefield? Battlefield.
Sorry fellow gamers, there's no avoiding Watch Dogs 2 at this point.
The next big release in Telltale's excellent episodic Batman - The Telltale Series is just a day away.
To be honest, live action videogame trailers are usually pretty hit or miss, but the brand new Dishonored 2 "Take…
Bungie's Halloween-themed Festival of the Lost is set to return on October 25th for all Destiny players.
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