We're not sure who specifically asked for this, but this morning Capcom announced that the ultimate HD edition of Resident…
Square Enix... stop teasing us. We're sure console players wouldn't mind slightly HD enhanced releases of classic PS one Final…
Telltale Games knocks it out of the park again with their newest narrative focused adventure The Wolf Among Us, based…
Curious how the intriguing looking Steam Controller for the Steam Box will work? Check out a video of it in…
Lo Wang is back and bigger than ever. Gughh... Seriously though, if crude humour, stereotypes, and overt blood and ultraviolence…
Monsters breed monsters in another GIF review.
Valve continues not to announce that thing everyone has been asking for.
The first part of Valve's big announcements are now live, and it's... SteamOS. Read on for the details.
Apparently "The Steam Universe is Expanding in 2014" and we'll learn more about Valve's plans to make Steam more accessible…
How scary is Colorado, really? Read our gif-heavy review to find out!
Valve tests gamers' capacity to handle news announcements.
Guacamelee! finally lands on PC, finally giving more players a look of this excellent action-adventure release from Drinkbox Studios.
Don't look at this text for an answer; the link is right there. This text is just here for me.…
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