Visual novel? Life sim? However you want to play Nicole, it may well put you to sleep.
Prehistoric Dude is no prehistoric dud.
Imagine if Thomas Was Alone was a shooter with zero personality. That?s basically RogueCube.
A fun -- if short -- whodunit murder mystery.
Not so much a sequel as a replica, more or less, of the first game.
Clash Force is fine while it lasts, but it doesn?t last all that long.
Ultra Hat Dimension feels like some long-forgotten NES gem.
This is what happens when a developer takes the term ?run & gun? a little too literally.
A great soundtrack isn?t enough to save this dud, but it comes very close.
A short point-and-click adventure that?s far better than it has any right to be.
A retro-platformer that?s ever-so-slightly more than meets the eye.
Out of all the retro-influenced platformers out there, Castle Pals is...certainly one of them.
The not-so-beautiful game.
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