
Felix the Reaper review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One

Charming, upbeat, and a massive chore to play.

5 years ago

PlayStation Store Update – Artpulse, Untitled Goose Game, Dreamball, Wattam

Phew... there's a heck of a lot of new releases on the PlayStation Store this week, both for the PS4…

5 years ago

Seth revealed as the 40th Street Fighter V: Champion Edition character

Along with the big December Champion Edition update, Capcom revealed that Seth (surprise!) would be the mysterious 40th addition to…

5 years ago

FAR: Lone Sails review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One

So close to being a great game, yet so FAR.

5 years ago

Square Enix shows off Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer, pre-order bonuses

Final Fantasy VII Remake is coming relatively soon, and Square Enix showed off a dramatic new trailer during The Game…

5 years ago

Ghost of Tsushima slashes onto the PS4 next summer

Sucker Punch Productions' intense looking new action title, Ghost of Tsushima, officially has a release date as of last night!

5 years ago

Square Enix shows off PlatinumGames’ Babylon’s Fall

PlatinumGames is definitely in the news today. Check out their next stylish project.

5 years ago

Capcom reveals Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil Resistance

Revealed during the PlayStation State of Play event this morning, the reimagined Resident Evil 3 is coming early next year.…

5 years ago

Sega reveals Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle for PS4, Xbox One

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of a couple of PlatinumGames classics, they are getting bundled together, remastered and re-released for…

5 years ago

Close to the Sun review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One

Like the game's title implies, Close to the Sun aims a little too high for its own good.

5 years ago

Worse Than Death review for PS4, Switch, Xbox One, PC

You could do a lot worse than Worse Than Death.

5 years ago

Prep for Borderands – Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot with a 13 minute gameplay video

Hold tight Vault Hunters, the first Borderlands 3 DLC is launching in the very near future.

5 years ago

Race with Ryan review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One

You?ll need a high tolerance for adolescent YouTube stars and mediocre kart racing if you?re going to enjoy Race with…

5 years ago

Check out the Destiny 2: Shadowkeep – Season of Dawn details

Attention Destiny Guardians, Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Season of Dawn is nearly upon us, and Bungie has blown the lid…

5 years ago

One Night Stand review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch

Not nearly as titillating as its name suggests, but far, far more interesting.

5 years ago

Persona 5 Royal hits the PS4 on March 31st, 2020

An apparently brand new version of Persona 5, is headed to the PS4 in early 2020.

5 years ago

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season One has officially dropped

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players... gear up for more content beginning today. Details and media within.

5 years ago

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