
Hands on with Dark Souls III

Benny had the chance to play Dark Souls III at a recent Bandai Namco NYC press event. See what he…

10 years ago

TorqueL review for PS Vita, PS4

Get ready to relearn how to get from Point A to Point B.

10 years ago

PlayStation Store Update – Until Dawn, Mega Man Legacy Collection, Back to Bed

This week's update is pretty hefty with a number of big releases including Madden NFL 16, Until Dawn, Dishonored: Definitive…

10 years ago

Survive the first 15 minutes of Dying Light: The Following footage

Techland's story-based Dying Light expansion, The Following, is looking pretty damn good so far. Check out the first 15 minutes…

10 years ago

Kojima-directed Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain launch trailer is live

A brand new launch trailer, and details for the upcoming companion app.

10 years ago

Until Dawn review for PS4

Until Dawn effectively blends two distinct genres and incorporates making tough choices with potentially irreversible consequences.

10 years ago

Madden NFL 16 review for Xbox One and PS4

How about a little Hearthstone in your Madden?

10 years ago

PS Plus members get Grow Home, Super Time Force Ultra, Xeodrifter free in September

For once, Sony hasn't waited until the very last moment to reveal the next set of free Instant Game Collection…

10 years ago

Rockstar Editor for Grand Theft Auto V PS4, Xbox One coming September

One of the most enticing exclusive features for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V is officially headed to…

10 years ago

NBA 2K16 #WINNING gameplay trailer hits the court

If you're an NBA 2K fan and are ready to be a #WINNER, then this extended NBA 2K16 gameplay trailer…

10 years ago

Things are looking bleak in this official Mad Max TV commercial

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment is powering up the hype machine in advance of next week's explosive September 1st game release.

10 years ago

Hatoful Boyfriend review for PS Vita, PS4

Everybirdy's gone to the rapture.

10 years ago

R?publique to sneak onto PS4 early next year

GungHo and Camouflaj's stylish episodic stealth title will be sneaking onto the PS4 in early 2016.

10 years ago

J-Stars Victory Vs+ review for PS Vita, PS4, PS3

Destructible environments: great feature of games, or greatest feature of games?

10 years ago

Gauntlet: Slayer Edition review for PS4

A somewhat satisfying and unique take on the hack-n-slash series, with some hints of the arcade classic.

10 years ago

Sign up to beta test future PS4 system software releases

Want to help Sony test out new PS4 features? Register right now to do so.

10 years ago

PlayStation Store Update – Volume, Zombi, The Bridge, Pure Hold ‘Em

Holy moly there's a lot of new content on the PlayStation Store today.

10 years ago

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