Assassin's Creed Syndicate manages to get the series back on track after the disappointing release of Unity.
Ignite the flames of battle (!) with new game details and a high octane trailer for the upcoming One Piece…
Square Enix and IO-Interactive seem excited to welcome players to a brand new location in the Hitman universe.
Finally, a proper Universal Media Remote for the PlayStation 4!
The wait for Feb 2016 seems so far away after our time with Battleborn.
We're definitely excited for Quantic Dream's next cinematic adventure title. Check out the Paris Games Week trailer and screens.
In case you were wondering, yes, Tekken 7 is making its way to home systems sometime in the future.
The first episode in the Telltale Games / Mojang collaboration features all the dialogue choices, QTEs, and sword crafting we've…
As the launch date creeps ever closer, EA unveils more footage for Star Wars Battlefront via this launch trailer.
A little bit of WWE, a helping of enhanced and "deathinitive" edition releases, some classics and a few indies round…
As we heard during Sony's PlayStation Media Briefing, Dhalsim is officially returning to the ring in Street Fighter V. More…
Want to know what Sony had to announce and/or show off during their live PlayStation Media Briefing this morning?
Newcomers probably need not apply.
With Sony's big PlayStation Media Preview event at Paris Games Week kicks off tomorrow, and they are already gearing up…
Want a limited edition SFV Chun-Li Tournament Edition 2 FightStick for your PS4 or PS3?
Frequent game crashing and framerate issues prevent Bedlam from showcasing its unique premise.
Square Enix and Avalanche Studios really want us to know that Just Cause 3 has both crazy explosions and a…
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