
Spy Chameleon review for PS Vita, PS4

Wherein one small problem doesn't stop a game from still being great.

9 years ago

10 Second Ninja X review for PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One

There are twitch platformers, and then there's 10 Second Ninja X.

9 years ago

Playdead’s INSIDE coming to PS4 on August 23rd

Playdead's excellent followup to LIMBO is officially headed to the PS4.

9 years ago

PlayStation Store Update – Abz?, Batman – Episode 1, Cannon Brawl

Abz? and Batman: The Telltale Series are both out today, so make sure to click through for our reviews and…

9 years ago

Abz? review for PS4, PC

A game that's one long underwater level. What could go wrong?

9 years ago

Tom Clancy’s The Division – Underground expansion now available for PS4

PS4 players can finally get their first piece of paid The Division content.

9 years ago

Batman – The Telltale Series: Episode One “Realm of Shadows” review for PS4, Xbox One

?A truly exceptional Batman experience unlike any other.?

9 years ago

Lumo review for PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One

Shades of Q-Bert.

9 years ago

Darksiders Warmastered Edition coming to consoles and PC on October 25th

After kinda leaking out a couple of days ago, Nordic Games has confirmed that Darksiders Warmastered Edition is headed to…

9 years ago

Last Wings review for PS Vita, PS4

Not a high-flier.

9 years ago

Ubisoft announces Just Sing for PS4, Xbox One

Get ready to belt out 40+ modern and classic hits in Ubi's newest music title.

9 years ago

Square Enix hit the streets of London to see if fans can pronounce “Deus Ex”

Square Enix and Eidos obviously aren't afraid to ask the real questions regarding Deus Ex: Mankind Divided...

9 years ago

Dangerous Golf review for PS4, Xbox One

A+ for effort. Execution, unfortunately, is another matter.

9 years ago

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine Expansion review for Xbox One, PS4, PC

CD Projekt Red delivers a Witcher sendoff while testing the limits of when DLC becomes a full, additional game.

9 years ago

PS Plus members get Tricky Towers, Rebel Galaxy, Yakuza 5 free in August

It's just about August, so it was a matter of time before Sony revealed the free Instant Game Collection titles…

9 years ago

Headlander review for PS4, PC

The gift of Headlander! Drink it in man!

9 years ago

PlayStation Store Update – Headlander, Hyper Light Drifter, Chambara

Once again there's a rather eclectic mix of new titles available on the PS Store for this week, led by…

9 years ago

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