A game that delivers exactly what its title implies: school girls hunting zombies.
Not even wonky smartphone controls can hide the fact that Hidden Agenda is a pretty outstanding game.
As JRPGs go, Dark Rose Valkyrie pretty much defines "mediocre."
Brevity is the soul of a pretty good platformer.
WIth the next chapter in the Call of Duty zombies saga coming soon, Activision dropped off a stinking fresh new…
Sony took some time out of their day to announce yet another set of PlayStation 4 sales milestones for 2017.
There's definitely a bit of an eclectic selection of new digital PS4 and/or PS Vita titles on the PS Store…
Double Dragon on a budget -- a very, very, very low budget.
What's better than a SHMUP? The Director's Cut, duh!
Okami finally gets the treatment it deserves. Not only in HD, but preserved on PC!
Lots of new details and media for the anticipated new console Monster Hunter title.
A new trailer for Bandai Namco's much anticipated competitive Dragon Ball fighter.
Full Throttle Remastered shows, once again, why Tim Schafer and co. have been held in such high regard for decades.
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