
PlayStation Store Update – The Adventure Pals, Infernium, Island Time VR, Minit

There's a ton of quite interesting sounding new titles hitting the PlayStation Store this week for PS4/PSVR players and PS…

7 years ago

Iconoclasts review for PS Vita, PS4

After a seven-year odyssey, Iconoclasts finally arrives. Was it worth the wait?

7 years ago

Bandai Namco reveals God Eater 3 platforms, game features, new media

Gear up to hunt some Monst... Gods in Bandai Namco's latest action RPG installment.

7 years ago

THQ Nordic releasing Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered on consoles & PC in Q2 2018

The destructive open world classic is getting enhanced and re-released onto current generation platforms later this year. First screens/details.

7 years ago

No Man’s Sky NEXT update in development, also headed to the Xbox One

Hello Games this morning dropped off a couple of big announcements regarding their still highly ambitious open world sandbox title.

7 years ago

PS Plus members get Mad Max, TrackMania Turbo, Q*Bert Rebooted free for April 2018

And the next set of free PlayStation Plus titles have been revealed by Sony, and again, it's a pretty darn…

7 years ago

TT Games and Warner Bros. reveal LEGO The Incredibles for consoles, PC

Just in time for the long awaited Disney?Pixar animated super sequel comes a new game by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment…

7 years ago

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age journeys to PS4, PC on September 4th, 2018

And here we go... Square Enix early this morning finally announced a western release date and updated game details for…

7 years ago

MLB The Show 18 review for PS4

MLB The Show 18 is good... but is that good enough?

7 years ago

PlayStation Store Update – Far Cry 5, MLB The Show 18, Tempest 4000, Reverie

A nice balance of big name PS4 titles and intriguing PS4 and PS Vita releases this week on the PS…

7 years ago

Far Cry 5 review for PS4, Xbox One, PC

Ubisoft truly delivers, in what is without a doubt the best Far Cry game to date.

7 years ago

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life review for PS4

Join Kazuma Kiryu on one last trip down the bright neon roads of Tokyo.

7 years ago

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory review for PS Vita, PS4

Jaw-jaw is not better than war-war, at least when it comes to Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory.

7 years ago

Attack on Titan 2 review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch

If it ain?t broke... just fix it a little bit.

7 years ago

Oure review for PS4, PC

Titan fail.

7 years ago

Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom review for PC, PS4

A surprisingly deep and charming JRPG that improves on everything the original had to offer and more.

7 years ago

Yakuza Kiwami 2 hits the PS4 on August 28th, 2018

In case you missed the big Yakuza news from Sega over the weekend...

7 years ago

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