
PlayStation Store Update – Detroit: Become Human, Bloodstained, Dark Souls: Remastered

There's a seriously solid slate of new titles hitting various PlayStation platforms this week.

7 years ago

Bit Dungeon Plus review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

Blandly average -- with an emphasis on the "bland."

7 years ago

Yoshimitsu joins the Soulcalibur VI roster

The mysterious original Tekken fighter and also previous Soulcalibur combatant is officially joining the ever-growing Soulcalibur VI roster.

7 years ago

Newly released Kingdom Hearts III screens are pretty magical

Still no release date... but hey, here are quite a few new PS4 and Xbox One screens

7 years ago

No Man’s Sky lands on Xbox One in July, full multiplayer experience hits all platforms

We get a release date for the Xbox One version and more info on the game changing No Man's Sky…

7 years ago

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 official game details, first media

And here it is folks, the official details for Activision's next big Call of Duty title. [Update: More trailers, including…

7 years ago

Destiny 2 – Expansion 2: Warmind review for PS4, Xbox One

Warmind doesn't fix all of the issues that some may have with game, but the expansion provides a great opportunity…

7 years ago

The Crew 2 closed beta hits the land, air, sea on May 31st

Check out some new media and find out how to get in on the upcoming beta test for Ubisoft's open…

7 years ago

Prepare for today’s explosive Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 community reveal event

Heads up folks, Activision is set to reveal Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 today, and our own Benny Rose…

7 years ago

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality review for PSVR

You don't need an interdimensional cable box to enter the world of C-137.

7 years ago

PlayStation Store Update – Dragon’s Crown Pro, Gonner, Horizon Chase Turbo, Omensight

There's an exceptionally diverse set of new digital PlayStation titles available this week.

7 years ago

Bethesda blows the lid off of RAGE 2

A first look at Bethesda, id Software and Avalanche Studios' explosive open world FPS sequel.

7 years ago

League of Evil review for PS Vita, PS4, Switch

A mobile gaming classic finally arrives on other platforms. Was it worth the wait?

7 years ago

Neurovoider review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

A+ score. As for the rest... read on to find out.

7 years ago

Super Mega Baseball 2 review for Xbox One, PS4

Arguably the best baseball game of 2018.

7 years ago

Dragon’s Crown Pro review for PS4

Dragon's Crown gets upgraded with this new PS4 release of the PS3/Vita original from Vanillaware.

7 years ago

Rogue Aces review for PS Vita, PS4, Switch

A good reason to go Rogue.

7 years ago

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