Just your typical JRPG featuring mouse rape and dog princesses and villainous protagonists.
Play ball! MLB 14 The Show slides onto the PS3 and PS Vita, along with a more bite-sized Batman adventure,…
Sony and/or Sucker Punch must be watching the gaming community very, very closely, because they have revealed today that the…
Fez finally flutters onto PlayStation platforms (all of them), and we also have lots of new games that start with…
The main reason to buy an Ouya comes to the PS4, and suddenly becomes a good reason to pick up…
Delsin Rowe looks like a smug, skinny jeans and beanie-wearing jerk, but he's actually a cool guy.
Unity, GameMaker:Studio and MonoGame now available or rolling out in the very near future for PS4 indie developers.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster, Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, Luftrausers and quite…
This evening from their GDC event, Sony introduced a prototype of their long rumored VR headset for the PS4 which…
Dark Souls II for the PS3 and TowerFall Ascension for the PS4 are the big releases this week, but there's…
New screens showing off Prinny and friends in the free Disgaea collaboration DLC for NIS America's portable 3D dungeon crawler.
Sony has started pushing out a PlayStation Home update that adds several unlockable PlayStation Trophies. Check out the list.
More a "should-play" than a "must-play", but still a very good retro-inspired run and gun shooter for the PS Vita.
In some highly unexpected PlayStation news today, Sony today has confirmed that Jack Tretton will be leaving Sony Computer Entertainment…
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