plants vs zombies

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare sprouting up on Xbox One, Xbox 360 in February 2014

EA and PopCap Games have announced that their 3rd person Plants vs Zombies shooter spinoff will be fully grown by…

11 years ago

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare sprouts new details and media

Several new details for PopCap's unlikely Plants vs. Zombies shooter have sprouted up from Gamescom today. Check them out.

12 years ago

Plants vs. Zombies Pinball coming to Zen Pinball 2, Pinball FX2 next week

The mystery PopCap Games table from Zen Studios for Zen Pinball 2 and Pinball FX2 has been revealed, and as…

12 years ago

Plants vs. Zombies review for PS Vita

Plants vs. Zombies arrives on PSN for the PlayStation Vita, and is quite possibly the best port of the game…

13 years ago

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