The return to the wasteland has been glorious and beyond memorable.
Assassin's Creed Syndicate manages to get the series back on track after the disappointing release of Unity.
The wait for Feb 2016 seems so far away after our time with Battleborn.
As the launch date creeps ever closer, EA unveils more footage for Star Wars Battlefront via this launch trailer.
Finally, Type-0 HD arrives on its final platform. How does the PC version shape up? Details ahead.
After a rocky start, things begin to shape up for the first Street Fighter V beta.
The second video in the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. series focuses on the Perception trait, and clues us in on what that trait…
At first it seems like a neat concept, but shortly after starting, Dream Runners is difficult to enjoy.
The beta will land in October on Xbox One, PS4, and PC via Origin.
The popular Black Ops multiplayer map returns as a pre-order / Day One bonus.
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