Look at me! Look at me! It's time for adventure with Captain Toad and Toadette on the Wii U!
A quirky platformer and the Persona series make their Nintendo debuts in this week's Thanksgiving update.
Super Smash Bros. has surpassedĀ 490,000 units since launch which puts it ahead of Mario Kart 8 so far.
You've been waiting for it for months, and it's finally here. That's right: Watch Dogs is finally out on the…
Your favorite Nintendo mascots battle it out, this time in glorious HD, in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
A solid eShop week including the latest and hopefully greatest versions of Sonic, LEGO Batman, Tetris and more.
Pre-order the digital version of Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and start downloading it right now.
A translucent pair of new Nintendo 2DS SKUs just in time for Pok?mon Omega Ruby andĀ Pok?mon Alpha Sapphire.
When Tearaway and Mario Bros. are your two obvious touchstones, you must be doing something right.
Lots of great Wii U and 3DS eShop content just in time for Halloween.
With several high profile Wii U and 3DS releases, there's no shortage of great content landing on the Nintendo eShop…
A celebratory launch video for the latest installment in Natsume's farming-RPG franchise.
There's a rather interesting selection of new eShop releases this week, especially in this post-Super Smash Bros. 3DS timeframe.
Pac-Man and friends return for more power-up chomping action... but there's a Wii U demo starring a stylish witch that's…
Super Smash Bros. finally arrives on the 3DS, bringing with it a host of Nintendo franchises and characters to battle…
Sales figures for the 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. and finally a confirmed Wii U release date.
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