Human bones that move on their own! Singing harpies by the cliffs! A great fantasy adventure arrives on the Switch.
Sega today confirmed that the competitive Puyo Puyo release is coming to all relevant platforms in the very near future.
Out with the Rehash, in with the Refresh.
More fun than getting a cat into a carrier.
This week's update is super solid, with a number of interesting and high profile titles and content hitting the digital…
Castlevania Bloodlines, Castlevania II: Simon?s Quest and a couple other titles have officially made the cut.
A slick new stage builder feature, along with video editing and sharing functionality comes to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate along…
One of the Final Fantasy series' best collections makes its arrival to the Switch and Xbox One.
Block off some time to play Lightwood Games? latest puzzle game.
This one probably should have been kept under wraps.
And then there fine remaster of a very good adventure game.
There's definitely a solid lineup of new releases for Nintendo Switch players on the Nintendo eShop this week.
Do you like Castlevania? So does Ghoulboy.
A unique 2D co-op Action RPG for the Switch that's worth checking out.
Stop me if this sounds familiar: Alvastia Chronicles is an old-school RPG from Kemco.
Bring some scissors and glue, it's about to get crafty!
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