nintendo switch

Nintendo eShop Update – Castle Crashers Remastered, Daemon X Machina, Molecats

There's a pretty stacked selection of new digital titles on the Nintendo eShop this week for sure.

6 years ago

Ring Fit Adventure revealed for the Nintendo Switch

The mystery of Nintendo's mysterious ring accessory for the Nintendo Switch has been solved!

6 years ago

Astral Chain review for Nintendo Switch

Weird but weirdly great.

6 years ago

Spyro Reignited Trilogy review for Nintendo Switch

Sometimes classics are classics for a reason.

6 years ago

Grandia HD Collection review for Nintendo Switch

A solid collection of classic JRPGs that originated on the Sega Saturn.

6 years ago

Catan review for Nintendo Switch

If you?ve ever wanted to play Catan without those pesky other players around you, this will let you live your…

6 years ago

Devil May Cry review for Nintendo Switch

Probably not as good as you remember, but still worth a play.

6 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – Super Kirby Clash, Deadly Premonition Origins, NBA 2K20, SNES games

Thanks to that Nintendo Direct announcements yesterday, we have a super, duper, jam-packed Nintendo eShop update for this week.

6 years ago

Overwatch: Legendary Edition blasting onto the Nintendo Switch soon

There were plenty of hints that it was coming, but we're still kinda surprised that Overwatch is finally making its…

6 years ago

Assassin’s Creed: The Rebel Collection launches exclusively for the Nintendo Switch in December

Ubisoft has announced that a collection of Assassin's Creed titles will be heading exclusively to the Switch this winter. Media…

6 years ago

Unknown Fate review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One

I guess "Buggy, Frustrating Fate" would have been too on-the-nose?

6 years ago

Windscape review for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One

Alternate title for Windscape: The Legend of Zzzzzzzzelda.

6 years ago

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC

Final Fantasy VIII finally makes its way over to modern consoles with this excellent remaster.

6 years ago

Nintendo Direct event scheduled for tomorrow

Nintendo this morning revealed that they have scheduled a Direct event for 9/4/2019 that will focus on a couple of…

6 years ago

Gunpowder on the Teeth review for Nintendo Switch, PC

Gunpowder on the Teeth feels like a forgotten Game Boy game that was forgotten for a reason.

6 years ago

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