nintendo switch

Miles & Kilo review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

Another day, another retro platformer -- but Miles & Kilo is better than most.

5 years ago

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch review for Nintendo Switch

The Studio Ghibli RPG arrives on the Switch, and is every bit as gorgeous as you?d expect.

5 years ago

Deep Space Rush review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

Broken, repetitive garbage. But hey, it?s an easy platinum.

5 years ago

Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition stylishly slides to the Switch on February 20th, 2020

Young Dante is coming to the Nintendo Switch early next year.

5 years ago

My Memory of Us review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One

An adorable, heart-wrenching game that becomes a lot more horrifying the more you think about it.

5 years ago

Pok?mon Sword and Pok?mon Shield sell over 2 million in two days

Pretend to be shocked..!!!  Pok?mon Sword and Shield are officially among the fastest selling Nintendo Switch titles yet.

5 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – The Touryst, Black Future ?88, Chameleon, Pine

After the massive Pokemon Sword and Shield launch last week, this week's Nintendo eShop Update seems a little more subdued. 

5 years ago

Pok?mon Sword & Shield Launch Event at Nintendo NY

Stan braves a chilly NYC Friday night to check out the huge Pok?mon Sword & Shield launch event. His musings…

5 years ago

Agent A: A Puzzle In Disguise review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One

There are no disguises here -- Agent A is a straight-up puzzle game with a few artsy flourishes.

5 years ago

80 Days review for Nintendo Switch

80 Days gives new meaning to the term "visual novel."

5 years ago

The Bradwell Conspiracy review for Xbox One, PS4, Switch

The Bradwell Conspiracy has great talent behind it. Pity that none of that made it into the final product.

5 years ago

Resident Evil 5 and 6 review for Nintendo Switch

The Resident Evil roster expands on the Nintendo Switch with the releases of RE5 and 6.

5 years ago

Jackbox Party Pack 6 review for Xbox One, PS4, Switch

Some jokes, some words, and a little bit of murder...

5 years ago

Tic-Tac-Letters by POWGI review for PS Vita, PS4, Switch

Xs and Os, and Hs and Is, and all the rest of the alphabet too.

5 years ago

Nintendo eShop Update – Pok?mon Sword & Shield, Children of Morta, Woven

In case you were living under a big Snorlax-sized rock... one of the Nintendo Switch's biggest releases of the year…

5 years ago

Into the Dead 2 review for Nintendo Switch

A free-to-play/pay-to-win mobile title arrives on the Switch with a hefty markup.

5 years ago

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