Wait… when was the first beta? Check out new media too.
If you’ve got nothing to do on Halloween why not help decide the course of the next Silent Hill tale.
Celebrate 3 years of Genshin Impact with a plethora of gifts.
Over 1.7 Million players are ready to Omnislash on the go!
Let’s just hope beating the game won’t cause your device to self-destruct…
Hopefully my backup will include more than just Mumen Rider though…no offense!
Is life in Teyvat better…under the sea?
Poetic that a game about unpacking moves to so many different platforms.
Samba’s gonna end this summer right!
Is this move the first step to usurping the ARPG as the main game?
Is acknowledging the tribal chief the fourth prime directive?
Maybe I should?ve boarded that train and became a trailblazer?
Sorry, PlayStation ticket holders?your train won?t be arriving on time.
Learning can be fun at the Akademiya Extravaganza!
HoYoverse's stylish, free-to-play space fantasy/sci-fi RPG has a release date and new media.
My first 10 pull and I got A-Tier Poison?guess I?m in this for the long haul!
I celebrate more holidays in this game than I do in real life!
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