e3 2016

XSEED Games reveals E3 2016 lineup

XSEED Games to show off more than a half-dozen new games at the E3 this year.

9 years ago

Natsume reveals E3 2016 lineup

Wild Arms, Harvest Moon and River City are back!

9 years ago

Horizon: Zero Dawn falls back to February 2017

Yep, it's apparently the beginning of that unfortunate time of year.

9 years ago

Yooka-Laylee slips to Q1 2017, E3 trailer now live

Considering the relative lack of updates and media recently, we sorta expected that Playtonic's promising old-school 3D platformer would get…

9 years ago

Ubisoft reveals E3 2016 lineup and events

Just in time for the big show, Ubisoft has revealed their booth lineup and schedule of events.

9 years ago

Focus Home Interactive reveals E3 2016 lineup

Focus Home Interactive today revealed their lengthy list of wares that they are expecting to have on display during this…

9 years ago

New Nintendo Treehouse: Live at E3 event details

Nintendo has 2 days of live E3 Nintendo Treehouse festivities scheduled for the big show. Check out the info within.

9 years ago

Koei Tecmo reveals E3 2016 lineup

Koei Tecmo is showing off a one-two punch of action titles at this year's E3 event, along with a top-secret…

9 years ago

The Legend of Zelda for Wii U will be playable/livestreamed at E3 2016

Nintendo to debut a playable version of the Wii U game to kick off the E3.

9 years ago

Titanfall 2 to be revealed at E3 2016

Respawn Entertainment is teasing a much-awaited sequel, video inside!

9 years ago

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