detroit become human

Best Games of 2018

Did Kratos vanquish his competition, did Red Dead 2 leave all competition in its dust, or did an unexpected challenger…

6 years ago

Detroit: Become Human goes gold, gets a demo and Amazon Alexa skill

Quantic Dream's next big PlayStation title is almost upon us. Take it for a test drive tomorrow and check out…

7 years ago

Detroit: Become Human hits the PS4 on May 25th, 2018

Quantic Dream's long awaited PS4 project finally has an release date

7 years ago

See what Kara has been up to in the new Detroit: Become Human PS4 trailer

A new look at Quantic Dream's latest intense decision-based interactive experience from Paris Games Week.

7 years ago

Detroit: Become Human new live gameplay trailer, screens

A couple brand new gameplay videos, new screens and details for Quantic Dream's cinematic new PlayStation experience.

8 years ago

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