
Catch Bungie’s live Destiny April Update “New Things to Do” stream right now

Bungie has a few special live events planned that they hope will pull players back into the Destiny experience. Participate…

9 years ago

Bungie’s President steps down, new CEO appointed

Welp, all may not be going well in Bungie-land after all.

9 years ago

Destiny gets a Valentine’s Day-themed Crimson Days event next month

Bungie has emerged from their winter vacation to provide details on what we can expect from Destiny in the near…

9 years ago

Become Legend together in Destiny: The Taken King “Refer-a-Friend” trailer

We assume when the Black Ops 3, Halo 5 and Fallout 4 hype dies down a little bit, then Destiny…

9 years ago

Get into the Destiny spirit with Bungie’s new “Festival of the Lost” event

Just in time for Halloween, Bungie rolls out an awesome new limited-time, special event for all Destiny players.

9 years ago

Destiny: The Taken King review for PS4, Xbox One

Is Bungie's massive Destiny expansion redemption for their year one missteps? Why yes, it is.

9 years ago

Hunt Evil’s Most Wanted in the epic Destiny: The Taken King live-action launch trailer

Get a look at Activision and Bungie's epic Destiny: The Taken King commercial set to debut this weekend.

9 years ago

Destiny 2.0 update, patch notes, are now live

Hold onto your loot Destiny guardians, the Year Two officially begins today. Check out the massive set of patch notes…

9 years ago

Destiny 2.0 update includes PvP preview for all

With Destiny: The Taken King, Bungie is taking a slightly different preview path than they did with the previous Destiny…

10 years ago

Destiny: The Taken King’s “King’s Fall” raid goes live September 18th

Finally an official answer to "When the hell do we get the new raid?".

10 years ago

Destiny: The Taken King – Court of Oryx event livestream kicks off soon

A deep dive into the challenging Court of Oryx public event activities on the Dreadnaught.

10 years ago

Bungie details Destiny: The Taken King’s weekly event tweaks, endgame activities

Even more info about the new endgame activities and all the effort Bungie has put into reconfiguring and refining weekly…

10 years ago

Bungie’s second Destiny: The Taken King livestream set for tomorrow

Details for the second Destiny: The Taken King livestream event, along with a little Strike the Dreadnaught teaser trailer.

10 years ago

Destiny: The Taken King livestream kicks off tomorrow

Rejoice Destiny fans (us most definitely included), Bungie is just about ready to show off more of the upcoming Destiny:…

10 years ago

Check out the official Prologue Cinematic for Destiny: The Taken King

Following up on the massive info and media dump for Destiny: The Taken King yesterday comes yet another new video.

10 years ago

Destiny: The Taken King – We Are Guardians trailer, tons of screens

Bungie and Activision totally blew the lid off of Destiny: The Taken King today. Media, info on game updates, changes,…

10 years ago

Destiny: The Taken King PS4 Console Bundle launching in September

A slick new limited edition Destiny: The Taken King PS4 Console Bundle is set to launch this September alongside the…

10 years ago

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