destiny 2 shadowkeep

Destiny 2’s annual Solstice of Heroes event goes live next weekDestiny 2’s annual Solstice of Heroes event goes live next week

Destiny 2’s annual Solstice of Heroes event goes live next week

With the delay of the next big Destiny 2 expansion, Bungie still has a few events and updates for Season…

5 years ago
The future of Destiny 2 to be revealed next weekThe future of Destiny 2 to be revealed next week

The future of Destiny 2 to be revealed next week

Stay tuned guardians... Bungie has revealed that next week we'll finally get a first look at what's coming soon to…

5 years ago
Destiny 2: Season of the Worthy, update 2.8.0 now liveDestiny 2: Season of the Worthy, update 2.8.0 now live

Destiny 2: Season of the Worthy, update 2.8.0 now live

There's a whole lot of game and content updates rolling out to Destiny 2 players today. Check 'em out within!

5 years ago
Bungie reveals details for Destiny 2: Season of the WorthyBungie reveals details for Destiny 2: Season of the Worthy

Bungie reveals details for Destiny 2: Season of the Worthy

The next Destiny 2 season is almost upon us. All the info, media and more!

5 years ago
Updated Google Stadia impressionsUpdated Google Stadia impressions

Updated Google Stadia impressions

Tabitha spends some time with the Google Stadia service and a handful of titles an returns with some fresh impressions.

5 years ago
Check out the Destiny 2: Shadowkeep – Season of Dawn detailsCheck out the Destiny 2: Shadowkeep – Season of Dawn details

Check out the Destiny 2: Shadowkeep – Season of Dawn details

Attention Destiny Guardians, Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Season of Dawn is nearly upon us, and Bungie has blown the lid…

5 years ago
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, New Light are now liveDestiny 2: Shadowkeep, New Light are now live

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, New Light are now live

Ready or not, Bungie has finally pulled the trigger on the next phase of the Destiny franchise.

5 years ago
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep launch trailer emerges from the darknessDestiny 2: Shadowkeep launch trailer emerges from the darkness

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep launch trailer emerges from the darkness

Eyes up Guardians... Destiny 2: Shadowkeep hasn't launched quite yet, though that October 1st, 2019 date is approaching super soon.

6 years ago
Bungie releases Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, Season of the Undying content calendarBungie releases Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, Season of the Undying content calendar

Bungie releases Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, Season of the Undying content calendar

Check out the latest details for the next sizable wave of new content headed to Destiny 2 soon.

6 years ago
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep and New Light move to an October 1st releaseDestiny 2: Shadowkeep and New Light move to an October 1st release

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep and New Light move to an October 1st release

The big Destiny 2 expansion and the free-to-play version are delayed until early October.

6 years ago
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep takes us back to the moon on September 17th, 2019Destiny 2: Shadowkeep takes us back to the moon on September 17th, 2019

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep takes us back to the moon on September 17th, 2019

Bungie shows off the next chapter of Destiny 2 as promised, and yes, we're going back to the moon! Full…

6 years ago