comic con

Skylanders Trap Team screens, photos, details captured at Comic-Con

A whole lot of Trap Team screens and photos from the San Diego Comic-Con.

11 years ago

Nintendo announces San Diego Comic-Con 2014 lineup

Nintendo seems like they have a lot to show during this year's Comic-Con event, so if you're a fan, and…

11 years ago

Ubisoft announces San Diego Comic-Con 2014 lineup

If attending the upcoming Comic-Con International: San Diego event and want to check out some upcoming Ubisoft games, you're in…

11 years ago

Nintendo showing off some games at WonderCon

If you're planning on attending Comic-Con's WonderCon in Anaheim, CA later this week, Nintendo will have several games available to…

11 years ago

New York Comic Con 2013 Show Floor Gallery

The NY Comic Con has wrapped up and here's a selection of photos from the show floor.

11 years ago

New York Comic Con 2013 Cosplay Gallery

The NY Comic Con has wrapped up and here's a selection of cosplay photos from the event.

11 years ago

Xbox One hardware and games to attend Comic-Con International next week

Microsoft has announced that they will not only be in attendance at the Comic-Con International in San Diego next week,…

12 years ago

New York Comic Con 2012 Cosplayers Gallery

This past weekend in New York was the annual New York Comic Con.  In this gallery we take a look…

12 years ago

New York Comic Con 2012 Show floor Gallery

This past weekend in New York City was the annual New York Comic Con.  What follows is a gallery of…

12 years ago

Hunt down these new Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U screens

Capcom recently confirmed that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate would be hitting both the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U in…

12 years ago

Nintendo unveils NY Comic-Con lineup

Attending the upcoming NY Comic-Con and want to get some hands-on time with the Wii U and a handful of…

12 years ago

Namco Bandai reveals NY Comic-Con 2012 lineup

Namco Bandai today confirmed that they will be attending New York Comic-Con later next week and will have a number…

12 years ago

Activision announces Comic-Con 2012 lineup

Joining the rest of the larger publishers, Activision today officially revealed their plans for Comic-Con 2012. Prepare for The Amazing…

13 years ago

Ubisoft announces Comic-Con 2012 lineup

Quite a few other publishers have revealed their Comic-Con 2012 lineups, and just a short time ago Ubisoft finally tossed…

13 years ago

Square Enix announces Comic-Con 2012 lineup

Square Enix this morning revealed their Comic-Con 2012 lineup and event schedule which most importantly includes the first ever public…

13 years ago

Nintendo announces Comic-Con 2012 lineup

Get your hands on the Nintendo 3DS XL and a number of upcoming and newly released games, whether or not…

13 years ago

Sega to show off Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Aliens: Colonial Marines at Comic-Con

See what Sega has planned for next week's San Diego Comic-Con International 2012 including hands-on with Sonic & All-Stars Racing…

13 years ago

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