ace combat

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown for the Nintendo Switch gears up for a July 11 departure

Bandai Namco is taking their sweet, sweet time releasing the very content complete Switch version of Ace Combat 7. New…

9 months ago

Enjoy dogfights on the go as Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown scrambles onto the Nintendo Switch

Alas no Top Gun Maverick DLC is included…but perhaps in the future?

1 year ago

Ace Combat 7 flies into the Danger Zone with Top Gun: Maverick DLC

Finally Top Gun gets tied to a good flight sim!

3 years ago

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown review for PS4, Xbox One, PC

Ace Combat makes a triumphant return with a robust campaign, fun multiplayer, and an immersive VR experience for PSVR owners.

6 years ago

Ace Combat Infinity’s first official screens, new teaser trailer take off

First screens and a 3rd teaser trailer for the upcoming free-to-play new Ace Combat installment, Ace Combat Infinity.

12 years ago

Ace Combat Infinity hits the free-to-play PS3 skies later this year

Namco Bandai today confirmed that their free-to-play new Ace Combat title for the PS3 is indeed flying over to North…

12 years ago

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy review for 3DS

If you didn't like Assault Horizon because it wasn't like every other Ace Combat game ever, then you might actually…

13 years ago

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