What games helped us get through this year like no other in recent history? Read on to find out!
A diverse selection of gaming and not-quite-gaming adjacent gifts ideas for yourself or you closest family/friends!
Stan runs through the exciting Xbox One and Series X game reveals of last week. Snarky comments and screens included.
What were our top 20 games of the last ten years? Here's our list!
What were our favourite games of the 2010s? Here's the first half of our list!
Stan braves a chilly NYC Friday night to check out the huge Pok?mon Sword & Shield launch event. His musings…
Stan drops by the big Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order press event to get some hands on with one of…
Did Kratos vanquish his competition, did Red Dead 2 leave all competition in its dust, or did an unexpected challenger…
The story of Castlevania coming to Netflix is an interesting one for those who like the backstory as to how…
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