
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse headed to XBLA, PSN, PC this summer

Remember Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse for the Sega Genesis? The classic side-scrolling platformer and probably one of the…

12 years ago

NHL 14 hits the ice on September 10th, check out the trailer and details

EA Sports today threw down the puck and let loose with details of NHL 14 including an official trailer and…

12 years ago

Disney Infinity gets a fun new Toy Box mode trailer and screens

Disney Interactive blew the virtual lid off of the virtual Disney Infinity Toy Box mode today with a new batch…

12 years ago

Project X Zone arriving on June 25th, Limited Edition details announced

Project X Zone is coming to North America on June 25th, and first-run copies of the game will be getting…

12 years ago

Namco Bandai announces Collector’s Edition for Tales of Xillia, launching August 6th

Tales of Xillia gets an official release date for North America on PS3, along with some Collector's Edition details and…

12 years ago

Muramasa Rebirth gets a Blessing of Amitabha Collector’s Edition for PS Vita

Muramasa Rebirth is getting a fancy collector's edition for its upcoming June 25th release on the Playstation Vita.

12 years ago

Disney’s Planes flying onto Wii U, Wii, 3DS and DS later this year

Disney Interactive unveils a Nintendo exclusive new game based on the upcoming high-flying motion picture.

12 years ago

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist sneaks onto the Wii U with first screens, details

A first look at Sam Fisher's stealthy Wii U adventure, complete with screens, box art and a fact sheet.

12 years ago

Dynasty Warriors 8 set to slice and dice this summer

Tecmo Koei this morning revealed yet another new Dynasty Warriors title... we're up to 8 in the numbered series if…

12 years ago

Killer is Dead gets a deadly new trailer, screenshots

XSEED Games today sent over a killer new trailer and a set of screens for their upcoming, Grasshopper Manufacture and…

12 years ago

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