Star Ocean 5 is coming to the Americas on PS4 in 2016. Check out a whole bunch of screens and…
Triple Triad Triple Triad Triple Triad Triple Triad
While it's not quite the epic Metroid adventure that some fans were hoping for, the announcement of a new Metroid…
As announced during Nintendo E3 2015 Digital Event, the Star Fox gang is getting back together for a brand new…
Star Fox Zero, The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, Metroid Prime: Federation Force and a solid roadmap of what…
Prepare to Die one last time, courtesy of From Software in 2016.
EA is teaming up with development studio Coldwood for Unravel, a rather magical looking new puzzle platformer in development for…
New E3 media, game details and a release date for EA and Ghost Games' NFS reboot.
Check out the first media and game details for PopCap's fun looking third person shooter sequel.
It's been way too long since we've last seen or heard much from Bethesda and id Software's DOOM reboot.
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