PS Vita

Doodle Kingdom review for PS Vita

In which the Doodle series becomes ever-so-slightly more interesting.

9 years ago

Toukiden: Kiwami review for PS Vita, PS4

When is a sequel not a sequel? I'm not sure, but Toukiden: Kiwami thinks it knows the answer.

9 years ago

2013: Infected Wars review for PS Vita

In which our writer sells himself on a game, but literally no one else.

9 years ago

Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo review for PS Vita

Giant robots! Post-apocalyptic ruins! What more could you want?

9 years ago

MLB 15: The Show review for PS4, PS3, PS Vita

Another year, another version of The Show that still can't figure out how this whole "online" thing works.

9 years ago

Metal Slug 3 review for PS Vita, PS4, PS3

Fifteen years after it first came out, is Metal Slug 3 worth playing on the go?

9 years ago

Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters review for PS Vita, PS3

Who you gonna call? Probably not this game.

9 years ago

Axiom Verge review for PS4, PS Vita

One single programmer has created a fantastic game that will punch you right in the nostalgia!

9 years ago

S?ldner-X 2: Final Prototype review for PS Vita

85% boring...but man, that other 15% sure is awesome.

9 years ago

Scram Kitty DX review for PS Vita, PS4

Going way off the rails.

9 years ago

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