One More Dungeon review for PS Vita, PS4, Switch

Is nostalgia for the early days of first-person shooters enough to carry a game? One More Dungeon certainly hopes it…

7 years ago

Summon Night 6: Lost Borders review for PS Vita, PS4

If ever there was a case of "newcomers need not apply," it's with Summon Night 6.

7 years ago

Cursed Castila review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One

A retro-inspired, tough as nails platformer that, for once, doesn't feel like it's punishing people just for playing.

7 years ago

School Girl/Zombie Hunter review for PS4

A game that delivers exactly what its title implies: school girls hunting zombies.

7 years ago

Megaton Rainfall review for PS4, PC

Want a Superman game? Here's the next best thing.

7 years ago

Hidden Agenda review for PS4

Not even wonky smartphone controls can hide the fact that Hidden Agenda is a pretty outstanding game.

7 years ago

Dark Rose Valkyrie review for PS4

As JRPGs go, Dark Rose Valkyrie pretty much defines "mediocre."

7 years ago

Planet of the Eyes review for PS4, Xbox One, PC

Brevity is the soul of a pretty good platformer.

7 years ago

Squareboy vs Bullies: Arena Edition review for PS Vita, PS4, Switch

Double Dragon on a budget -- a very, very, very low budget.

7 years ago

Raiden V Director’s Cut review for PC, Xbox One, PS4

What's better than a SHMUP? The Director's Cut, duh!

7 years ago

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