Attack on Titan 2 review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch

If it ain?t broke... just fix it a little bit.

7 years ago

Oure review for PS4, PC

Titan fail.

7 years ago

Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom review for PC, PS4

A surprisingly deep and charming JRPG that improves on everything the original had to offer and more.

7 years ago

Past Cure review for PS4, Xbox One

Past hope, too.

7 years ago

Devil May Cry HD Collection review for PS4, Xbox One

Sometimes the past should stay in the past.

7 years ago

Xenon Valkyrie+review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One

Hard to look at, even harder to play.

7 years ago

Metal Gear Survive review for PS4, Xbox One, PC

Proof that Konami should probably be a bit more discerning when it comes to Metal Gear branding.

7 years ago

Save the Ninja Clan review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One

Super Meat, err, Ninja Boy.

7 years ago

ECHO review for PS4, PC

ECHO is full of creeping horror, both figuratively and literally.

7 years ago

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