Nintendo Switch

Save Farty review for Nintendo Switch

Read our review or the chicken gets it.

4 years ago

Loot Hero DX review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch

Go right to Platinum.

4 years ago

Little Nightmares II review for PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

A wonderfully creepy follow-up to the original which manages to feel similar yet unique.

4 years ago

Wrestling Empire review for Nintendo Switch

The best* wrestling game the Switch has to offer.

4 years ago

Yumeutsutsu Re:After review for PS Vita, Switch, PC

Just in case 25+ hours of dull romance in Yumeutsutsu Re:Master wasn?t enough for you, Yumeutsutsu Re:After returns with more…

4 years ago

Journey of the Broken Circle review for Nintendo Switch, PC

A platformer about existentialist crises, the nature of relationships, and a circle.

4 years ago

Persona 5 Strikers review for PS4, Nintendo Switch

The Phantom Thieves return in an action-focused follow-up to Persona 5.

4 years ago

I Am Dead review for Nintendo Switch, PC

A point-and-click-and-dissect adventure.

4 years ago

Destropolis review for Nintendo Switch

Fun in small, explosive, city-destroying bursts.

4 years ago

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